South Park Phone Destroyer Wiki

Underpants Gnomes are 2-cost assassins from the Fantasy theme that are available from rank 15.



  • "You fucked with the wrong gnome."
  • "Gimme your underpants right now, or you're fucking dead!"
  • "Any last words, pussy?"
  • "No underwear is safe from us."
  • "This hat's going straight up your ass!"
  • "Go gnomes! Split up and attack!"
  • "Initiate Phase 1: steal underpants!"


  • "We're still working on Phase 2."


  • "Die!"


  • "Christ!"
  • "Jesus fuck!"
  • "You pigfucker!"
  • "We shouldn't have come here!"
  • "Ow!"


  • "Fuck!"
  • "Damnit!"
  • "Ah, shit!"
  • "Fuck me!"


  • "Time to go to work!"
  • "Search for underpants, hey!
  • "Yum tum yummy tum day!"
  • "We won't stop till we find underpants!"
  • "Work all night!"


  • Their low cost makes them a very versatile card that can trade effectively into most other units.
  • Use swarm cards that synergizes well with stat boosts with them.
  • They have a lower cost than Rat Swarm, and better stats. Gnomes can always kill Rat Swarm and survive the fight.
  • They are susceptible to enemies with area damage such as Nelly or Terrance Mephesto.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • The underpants gnomes' card art is a reference to their debut episode, Gnomes.
  • A sex scene (who appears to be Liane Cartman and the Black plumber) is reflected in the mirror of the card art. This is a reference to a story mission in South Park: The Stick of Truth where the player's New Kid sees their parents having sex while chasing the Underpants Gnomes, as well as the sex scene in "The Death of Eric Cartman".
  •  The Underpants Gnomes are the characters that swears the most in the game, with their quotes containing 6 uses of "fuck", 1 use of "ass", 1 use of "damnit", and 1 use of "shit".
    • Most of their lines were recycled from South Park: The Stick of Truth.