South Park Phone Destroyer Wiki

Pope Timmy is a 5-cost ranged from the Mystical theme who is available at rank 10. His former warcry used to revive the last ally unit that died but, had his ability replaced to "summon the cheapest ally that costs 3 or more from your hand".

Pope Timmy (event key art)

Pope Timmy (event key art)



  • As a ranged unit, Timmy should be placed behind other units or your leader to safely deal damage to enemies.
  • His attack range is long. Keep him way in the backlines to ensure maximum card value.
  • He synergizes well with Elven King Bradley, as his range boost can boost his already long attack range even more to avoid shockwave damage


  • Butters Stotch appears in the background of the crowd on the card art. Tolkien Black and Clyde Donovan also appears on the left of the card art.
    • Kevin Stoley and David Rodriguez appear in the crowd in the full image of the card art.
    • Dogpoo Petuski's hair can be seen, where Timmy is blocking his view.