South Park Phone Destroyer Wiki

Commander Hat (Originally Spock Garrison) is a 4-Cost Epic Ranged unit from the Sci-Fi theme who is available at rank 8 that orders all allies to kill the closest highest cost ground enemy and gives allies +X attack and speed up until either the targeted enemy dies or if he dies. He was released for the March 12, 2021 event.




  • "You better believe it. I'm back!"
  • "Space actually kind of sucks."
  • "I’m baaaaack!"
  • "Hey South Park, I'm home!"


  • "Son of a bitch!"
  • "Ow!"


  • "Ah!"
  • "This game is so dumb, morons."
  • "I'm under attack from the rear."
  • "See you, losers!"


  • "You kids are chapping my ass."
  • "I thought there'd be hot aliens here"


  • Useful against high cost tanks such as Grand Wizard Cartman or ManBearPig.
  • Synergizes well with Assassins and Swarms.
  • His ability also orders headhunters such as Big Gay Al, Mimsy, and Thunderbird (but not any Dougie) to kill the enemy.
  • If Commander Hat is killed before his targeted enemy, the buff still goes away. Because of this, it’s best to take him out as soon as possible using a card like Lightning Bolt so that your targeted character isn’t overwhelmed.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Herbert Garrison is dressed as a crew member from the Star Trek franchise.
    • The background of the card art looks very similar to the Enterprise from Star Trek.
  • Mr. Hat appears in the card art.
  • This card was released during an event corresponding to the show, after the release of the episode South ParQ Vaccination Special. This episode starred Herbert Garrison as a main character. Some of his dialogue in the game is also archived audio from said episode.
  • His original name in the game files was "Spock Garrison", and his original design resembled Spock from the Star Trek franchise.