Bandita Sally is a 2-cost assassin from the Adventure theme who is available from the beginning. She is a cute and deadly assassin that runs with scissors
- "¡Andale!"
- "Draw, Compadre!"
- "¡Casta río grande!"
- "Ay dios mio!"
- Her low cost and make her a very versatile card that can trade effectively into most other units.
- As an assassin Sally has very high damage potential and is very effective if she gets to attack ranged units and thus should be placed in a way that allows her to deal damage before she draws the enemies' attention.
- She has a slightly bigger range than other assassin units (i.e Smuggler Ike) which allows her to win straight up one-on-ones. However, her attack speed is slightly slower than other assassins. Place her that she has to walk to a melee enemy unit to guarantee first hit.
Notes and Trivia[]
- In the soft launch, her card name was ''Kenny's Sister''. This error was corrected in the full release.
- She's the only character to speak entirely in Spanish.