Auto-Vacuum is a summoned unit from the Sci-Fi theme. It can be summoned by using Sixth Element Randy or Alien Drone.
- Use Auto-Vacuum to your advantage when your using Sixth Element Randy or Alien Drone. As it allows for enemies to stay distracted in battle.
- Auto-Vacuum is not effected by harmful spells such as Poison or Mind Control. Auto-Vacuum cannot also be granted health boosts, attack boosts or shields.
- Auto Vacuum, However, is effected by headhunter charges (Like Swashbuckler Red's charge) and freeze abilities. It is also vulnerable to Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and Super Fart.
Notes and Trivia[]
- Sixth Element Randy appears in the card art.
- Auto-Vacuum is also the only playable card that changes rarity's, depending on who spawns it. If Sixth Element Randy spawns it, it becomes a legendary. If Alien Drone spawns it, it becomes an epic.